Driver *2 positions Jobs in Dar es salaam

Job Expired
JOB PURPOSE (Limit 750 characters)
World Vision Tanzania seeks highly qualified candidates for an anticipated five-year donor funded project with key objectives to increase empowerment, reduce exploitation and abuse, increase uptake of ASRHR services, including Nutrition & HIV and Increased Economic Opportunities through skills development, job creation, policy and capacity building. The project is anticipated to be implemented in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma.

The anticipated project aims:

  • To Improve enabling environment to advance gender equality and rights and protection from SGBV and adverse SRH and Nutrition outcomes
  • Improved capacity of youth/CBOs to meaningfully participate in and engage local decision-making structures to advance gender exploitation, adolescent girls’ and boys’ SRHR, and prevent and respond to SGBV.
  • Increased access to improved ASRHR and nutrition services for adolescent boys and girls in and out of schools.
  • Increased gender equitable participation of female and male youth from 16-19 years in the labour market.

To drive WVT vehicles under the Project so as to facilitate staff/visitor movements as assigned by Senior Transport Officer and keep the vehicle maintained/clean and in good working condition. Communicate World Vision’s cultural ethos without jeopardizing other faith and demonstrate a quality of spiritual life that is an example to others.


This position is contingent on the confirmation of funding from the donor.





% of timeActivityEnd Results
10%To drive all WVT

Project vehicles as planned.


  • The safe arrival of passengers and goods
  • Timely arrival to the destination
  • Safe arrival of the vehicle
  • Safe drive to avoild causing acidents to others road users
10%To ensure that the general state of the vehicle has been regularly & timely checked (before and after use).


  • Vehicle is timely serviced
  • Well maintained vehicle
  • Well cleaned vehicle
  • To ensure the vehicle is always in good usable condition. The vehicle will be in roadworthy condition
5%Clerical services provision


  • Timely support to all project staff as legally planned
  • Support smooth and quick dispatch and delivery of documents between WVT and other stakeholders.
  • Timely delivery of payloads

Maintain Log Books


  • All mileage recorded should be those legally authorized
  • Mileage recording to the log book every time when refueling the vehicle
  • There will be a proper recording of mileage covered against fuel consumed
  • There will be a proper recording of mileage for normal service
10%To Ensure all required documents to the vehicle are valid and safely kept, Insurance, road safety stickers, availability of tool kit, triangles, reflectors, fire extinguisher & first Aid Kit.
  • Timely replacement of vehicle identified kits on its expirely (including first aid, fire extinguisher etc)
  • There will be proper adherence to road traffic rules
5%Ensure all visitors sign the child protection forms as soon as they are picked up.


  • Explain the purpose of signing the child protection form to vistors before they sign
  • The timely signing of child protection forms for visitors on arrival
10%To ensure that the vehicle is not overloaded either by people or luggage


  • To increase the life span of the tires
  • Adherence to the traffic rules and regulations


10%Report any adverse observation of a vehicle to Senior Transport Officer


  • The vehicle will be in roadworthy condition
  • To reduce the risk of accidents
5%Remind/advise Senior Transport Officer to matters pertaining to services and repairs of vehicles
  • Adherence to the Planned Preventive Maintenance
  • The vehicles will be in roadworthy condition
5%Other duties as assigned by the employer
  • There will be smooth support on any other legally activities assigned to drivers
10%Ensure that the vehicles are serviced as per the Planned Preventive Maintenance.


  • There will be safe arrival of both passengers and goods
  • The vehicle will be in roadworthy condition always
  • The lifespan of the vehicle will be increased
10%Adhere to WVT’s Vehicle Policy all the time
  • There will be no picking people in the vehcile who are not authorized referring to the policy of the organization
  • There will be timely parking and allowed departure time of the WVT Project Vehicles unless legal permission is granted
  • There will be no over speeding and therefore reduction of accidents
Required Professional Experience
  • At least three years experience as a driver
  • Safe driving record
  • Must be well acquainted with basic knowledge on vehicle parts and be able to diagnose vehicle related faults at first place.
  • Long distance driving experience
  • Good oral communication ability.
  • Polite, easy going, ability to work with variety of different people and cultures.
  • Ability to work after normal working hours to transport staff/consultants to airport and other locations.
  • Strong language capability in both Kiswahili and English.
  • Must be honest and demonstrate the highest degree of integrity.
  • Ability to write a work-related report.


registration, and


  • Valid class C (C1, C2, C3) driving license
  • Form Four with NIT Advanced Driving Certificate or VETA Advanced Driving Certificate


Preferred Education, Knowledge

and Qualifications

  • Certificate in logistics, administration/procurement are the added advantages
  • Experience working in NGOs will be added advantages (International NGOs)
Travel and/or

Work Environment


  • Work environment: Office-based with regular travel to the field
  • Travel:Domestic travel is required.


  • 3 + years in driving
  • Dodoma or Dar es Salaam


  • Ability to communicate in English and good command of Kiswahili
  • A good relationship with other staff


Contact (within WV or outside WV)Reason for contactFrequency of contact
Suport service staff and Project staffWorking relationshipHigh level /always
Should be able to make decision that does not affect/interfear others diginity and organisation ethical, regulation and policies


CORE COMPETENCIES – For all positions, select the top 3 prioritized competencies from below. Click here for a quick overview of our Core Competencies.
☐ Be Safe and Resilient

☒ Deliver Results

☐ Build Relationships

☒ Be Accountable

☒ Learn and Develop

☐ Improve and Innovate

☐ Partner and Collaborate

☐ Embrace Change

More Information

  • This job has expired!

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