Gender and Human Rights Coordinator Jobs in Dar es salaam

Job Expired
JOB PURPOSE (Limit 750 characters)
World Vision Tanzania seeks highly qualified candidates for an anticipated five-year donor funded project with key objectives to increase empowerment, reduce exploitation and abuse, increase uptake of ASRHR services, including Nutrition & HIV and Increased Economic Opportunities through skills development, job creation, policy and capacity building. The project is anticipated to be implemented in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma.

The anticipated project aims:

  • To Improve enabling environment to advance gender equality and rights and protection from SGBV and adverse SRH and Nutrition outcomes
  • Improved capacity of youth/CBOs to meaningfully participate in and engage local decision-making structures to advance gender exploitation, adolescent girls’ and boys’ SRHR, and prevent and respond to SGBV.
  • Increased access to improved ASRHR and nutrition services for adolescent boys and girls in and out of schools.
  • Increased gender equitable participation of female and male youth from 16-19 years in the labour market.

As part of the World Vision Team, reporting to the Program Manager, the gender coordinator will be responsible for implementing activities and interventions to advance gender equality, provide technical support to the broader project Team to ensure gender equity is mainstreamed across all education and civil society activities, review documents and materials to ensure these are gender sensitive and ensure gender integration across all aspects of the project cycle. Coordinate, facilitate and provide technical support and guidance on Gender, Human Rights and Advocacy in the Project on planning, monitoring evaluation, reporting and reflection. Communicate World Vision’s cultural ethos and demonstrate a quality of spiritual life that is an example to others.

This position is contingent on the confirmation of funding from the donor.













% of timeActivityEnd Results
25%Provide overall strategic leadership and Direction to the Project team and implementing Partners on Gender equality, Human Rights and Advocacy

  • In consultation with World Vision Tanzania and World Vision Canada participate in the development and implementation of project’s gender equality strategy in promoting Gender Equality, Human rights and CVA in all project outcomes
  • Support the development of projects annual work plan in implementation of gender equality, human rights and advocacy interventions
  • Work with project implementing Partners and to ensure gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) and Human Rights are well integrated in implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Strategy is well implemented and gender transformation achieved
  • Work plan is developed and implemented
10%Representing WV at external events; external contacts coalition building and networking

  • Maintain Good/harmonious relations between World Vision Tanzania, donors and all other stakeholders through reporting and sharing of information periodically on Gender and Human Rights
  • Use Reserch findings and monitoring report to develop Policy briefings on Gender, Human Rights and Advocacy for external engagement and ensure the rights of adolescent girls and boys are protected
  • Work with MoHCDGEC to ensure NAIA interventions are well integrated and implemented in the Project.
  • Policy brief prepared and presented to influence policy change
25%Promoting Gender Equality, Human Rights and integration of Advocacy in the Project

  • Support the implementation of Coaching Boys into Men Model, Men Care Model and Chanel of Hope-


  • Develop and Implement project capacity building strategy that enhances staff capacity to oversee the integration of gender equality in all of the project’s programming areas and in all three pillars through training, learning and knowledge sharing activities
  • Support capacity building opportunities on gender equality, Human and Advocacy (CVA) for key project partners including adolescent girls and boys, implementing partners, community level leaders, to equip them to support gender equality and CVA integration in all program areas.
  • Support Training to TOTs in addressing Gender GBV to adolescent girls and boys and addressing VAC
  • Ensure integration and implementation of gender aspect of SRHR education to in-school and out of school adolescents.
  • Adolescents CVA teams formed and monitoring standards and score card implemented
  • Evidenced based method on family planning implemented among adolescent girls and boys in school and out of school
10%Coordinate Advocacy, Policy Research & Public Awareness on gender equality, gender justice and human rights.

  • Develop and/or support partnerships and cooperation with other organisations in Dar Salaam and Dodoma City on gender equality and its impact on adolescent’s health (SRH), nutrition and economic empowerment
  • Be a spokesperson for the project on identified Gender, Human Rights and Advocacy (CVA) issues.
  • Increase in number of partners who work on improving issues of gender equality and promoting rights of adolescent girls and boys
20%Develop and update plan for ITAW campaign

  • Ensure implementation of ITAW campaign activities in the project
  • Work closely with Ministries, Like- minded organization, Religious leaders in planning, implementing monitoring and evaluate ITAW Campaign
  • Participate in commemoration of International events such as 16 Days of Activism. International Day of a Girl Child, International Women’s Day, Day of African Child, and Human Right Day.


  • ITAW campaign interventions are well implemented and reach many people
  • Advocacy messages and IEC materials of ending child marriage and teenage pregnancies prepared and disseminated,







10%Support Baseline, Monitoring and Evaluation exercises of the Project

  • Ensure Gender Equality and Social Inclusion are well integrated into Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Support Establishment and maintenance of effective project reporting, evaluation, and communication systems in alignment to specific donor requirement and WVT standards.
  • Document and disseminate Gender, CVA, Human Rights and ITAW impact stories / best practices and lessons leant




Required Professional Experience
  • Minimum of 5 years experience
  • Demonstrate Experience in working with adolescents boys and girls, advocacy, lobbying and communication,
  • Experience of working in an international and cross-cultural environment is an added advantage
  • Experience in promoting gender equality and Human Rights
  • Experience in working with Faith Leaders in promoting gender equality and human rights
  • Familiar with current Advocacy issues around Adolescents Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
Required Education,

training, license,

registration, and


Preffered: Bachelor degree in Social Sciences, with at least 5 years experience


Preferred Knowledge

and Qualifications

  • Excellent communication skills; Ability to communicate with internal and external stakeholders,
  • Strategic, creative, and innovative thinking
  • Excellent presentation skills
  • Practical advocacy and campaigning experience in the development field
  • Ability / experience of managing a network
  • Experience working in advocacy
  • Experience in coalition building and ability to rally coalitions and networks to take positions on specific policy issues
  • Excellent coordination and planning skills
  • Report writing skills: Ability to write complex reports
  • Demonstrate high levels of integrity
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Excellent team player with minimum supervision
  • Significant experience of working with government officials, multiple partners, community groups and communities.
  • Proven experience in facilitating effective project documentation and dissemination of results to a wide range of audiences.
  • Experience in working with donor funds
  • Ability to maintain effective working relationships with all levels of staff
  • Good planning and Excellent organizational skills, ability to determine priorities and attention to detail a must
  • Work in a multisectoral/ multicultural team- patience, cultural sensitivity and application of contextual understanding in day to day work
  • Ability to work with tight deadlines for information needs
Travel and/or

Work Environment



  • The position requires ability and willingness to travel domestically up to 60% of the time and occasionally internationally.
  • Ability to work in a multicultural context as a flexible and respectful team player

Willingness to travel to the field as and when needed






The position is based in Dar es Salaam or DodomaLanguage


Excellent written and spoken English and Swahili language


Contact (within WV or outside WV)Reason for contactFrequency of contact
WV NOTechnical Support and guidance on Gender and Human Rights related issues / interventionsWeekly /Monthly
WV DMEData collection and compilation for reporting and decision makingMonthly/ Quarterly/Semi-Annual and Annual
Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Project Partners /Other CSOsWork in collaboration with Government, partners and other stakeholders on Gender and Human RightsMonthly
LeadersPresent data for decision making and learningQuarterly
Project staffCollaborate on Project implementationDaily
Technical staff at Dar office and Dodoma ClusterCollaborate on Project ImplementationDaily
Ability to make proper decision at the right time on Gender and Human Rights. Final decision and approval to be done by Project Manager


CORE COMPETENCIES – For all positions, select the top 3 prioritized competencies from below. Click here for a quick overview of our Core Competencies.
☐ Be Safe and Resilient

☒ Deliver Results

☐ Build Relationships

☒ Be Accountable

☐ Learn and Develop

☐ Improve and Innovate

☒ Partner and Collaborate

☐ Embrace Change

For Management positions only, select the top 2 prioritized competencies from below.
☐ Model Self-Management☐ Engage, Influence, Lead

and Grow Others

☐ Run an Effective

and Agile Organisation

☐ Develop the Organisation

for the Future

More Information

  • This job has expired!

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