Corporate Services Executive Jobs in ARIPO

Job Expired



The African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) (hereinafter referred to as “the Organization”), is an Intergovernmental Organization, which was established at Lusaka, Zambia, in 1976 by an Agreement concluded under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The Organization was created, inter alia, to promote the development of Intellectual Property (IP) laws appropriate to the needs of its members, establish common services and training schemes, and assist its members in the acquisition and advancement of technology and the evolving of common views on IP matters.

The Organization grants and administers IP titles on behalf of the Member States and provides IP information to its clientele in the form of search services, publications and awareness creation. Membership of the Organization is open to all Member States of the African Union (AU).

The present members of the Organization are: Botswana, Kingdom of Eswatini, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Kingdom of Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia,

Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, United

Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (Total: 20 States)

The organs of the Organization are:

  • the Council of Ministers, consisting of Ministers who are responsible for the administration of intellectual property matters in the respective Member States;
  • the Administrative Council consisting of Heads of Offices dealing with the administration of intellectual property , in the respective Member States; and
  • the Secretariat (the Office of ARIPO) headed by the Director General as the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization.


Applications are invited from suitable candidates to be considered for appointment to the post of Corporate Services Executive of the Organization, the full description of which is as follows:

Duty Station: Harare, Zimbabwe

Duration of Appointment: Fixed-term contract of five (5) years (renewable, subject to satisfactory performance)


Provide strategic support to the Director General by overseeing and coordinating the development of appropriate systems, procedures, controls, strategies and work programs for the provision of efficient and effective corporate services i.e. Finance, Information and Communication Technologies and Human Capital, to ensure that the Organization achieves its mission and objectives in line with the strategic plan. The Corporate Services Executive’s key job functions shall be as follows:

  • Coordinate the implementation of the strategic plan;
  • Coordinate organization-wide program planning, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation in accordance with the strategic plan;
  • Develop and execute effective strategies and policies in corporate governance, project financing, risk management, and revenue generation and mobilisation to ensure value creation;
  • Evaluate management accounting systems and financial reports to facilitate planning, measuring, controlling ad monitoring business performance to ensure business sustainability;
  • Direct the development and execution of information and communication technologies strategies to ensure the creation and delivery of timely and innovative solutions;
  • Direct the provision of timely and effective administrative support services to ensure the efficient running of the Organization;
  • Support the development and operational excellence in the execution of appropriate human capital strategies and policies for the Organization;
  • Ensure the development and implementation of appropriate policies and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the Corporate Services’ strategic functions;
  • Review for substantive accuracy and consistency of organizational reports;
  • Ensure effective learning and career development of subordinates, conduct performance reviews, and manage overall performance of the same;
  • Participate in strategic engagement and promotion of cooperation and enhancement of ARIPO visibility among key IP stakeholders to support revenue generation and mobilisation;
  • Participate in capacity building and knowledge sharing activities within the Organization and amongst its stakeholders; and
  • Perform any other duties and tasks as may be assigned or delegated.

Minimum qualifications and experience required:

Master’s Degree in Business Administration/ Public Administration/ Commerce/Strategic Management/Social Sciences or equivalent and seven (7) years relevant experience;

  • Professional qualifications in Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Finance is an added advantage; and
  • A minimum of five (5) years senior management level experience. Or
  • Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) in Business Studies/Public Administration/Commerce/ Strategic Management/Social Sciences and ten (10) years post qualification experience;
  • Professional qualifications in Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Finance is an added advantage; and
  • A minimum of seven (7) years senior management level experience.

Role and mission critical competencies required:

  • Strong strategy formulation and implementation capability
  • Extensive organizational strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation capability
  • Sound judgment, organizing, problem solving, analysis and decision making
  • Sound communication, stakeholder engagement, relationship building and reporting capability
  • Sound organizational leadership and project management capability
  • Strong change management, creativity, transformation and innovation capability

Nationality: To be eligible for appointment, candidates must be nationals of a Member State of the Organization.

Age: Minimum 35 years at the time of application.


Conditions of employment shall be subject to the ARIPO Staff Rules and Procedures or be determined by the Administrative Council of the Organization.

Salary and allowances on first appointment shall be those applicable to Grade D1 Step 1 of the ARIPO salary scales of the professional category.

Base Salary: US$66,990 per annum.

Post Adjustment Allowance: Depending on the rise and fall in value of the United States dollar, a post adjustment index which is presently 56.4% of base salary is applied as a cost of living allowance.

Dependency Allowances: US$1,800 per year for a dependent child. Maximum number of children three (3).

Other benefits include:

  • Payment of travel and removal expenses;
  • Once-off installation grant;
  • Education grant of US$9,000 per year for each child, up to a maximum of three children;
  • Housing allowance;
  • Contributory medical aid scheme;
  • Annual leave of 34 working days; and
  • Paid home leave every two years.

Medical examination:

The appointment is subject to a satisfactory United Nations type medical examination to be conducted by an ARIPO nominated medical practitioner.


Applicants should submit an application letter together with: detailed curriculum vitae indicating pertinent personal data, and names, professional designations and addresses of two persons from whom evidence-based, professional references can be obtained; certified copies of relevant academic and professional certificates; police clearance; and a passport size photograph.

Applicants should indicate in their personal data, the following:

  • family name and first names;
  • date and place of birth;
  • nationality and detailed present address;
  • full names, relationship, gender and date of birth of dependents;
  • language abilities both written and spoken;
  • educational background (main subjects, institutions, diplomas or degrees and marks of merit;
  • employment record (present or most recent employment, previous employment); and (viii) any other relevant information.


Applications addressed to the Director General of ARIPO and saved as a single pdf file should be submitted by email only at [email protected] not later than 24th January 2022. The reference to be indicated on the email subject is “Corporate Services Executive”.

Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted by the ARIPO Office on official letterhead at which stage they shall be requested to submit a certificate of evaluation/accreditation of their Degree qualifications from their respective National Qualifications Authority.

ARIPO does not charge any fee and neither does it use any employment agents at any stage of the recruitment process.



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